+256 772 494 285


Our Vision
Healthy, Sustainable Communities liberated from poverty.
Our Mission
Building self reliance in the most impoverished communities in Uganda through participation and human development.
Our Slogan
“Partners in Community Transformation”
Our Values
FDNC’s uniqueness lies in the organization’s intrinsic values:
• Empowering the marginalized to a just and equal society.
• Change must happen at a local level- responsibility is with the people.
• Active participation of beneficiaries is critical for sustainability.
• Partnerships with local and international organizations ensure lasting impact.
• Capacity building will multiply small efforts in many ways.
• Dedicated teamwork requires openness, integrity, commitment and hard work.
• Our staff, volunteers and all key actors should actualize these principles in all they do.

Foundation for Development of Needy Communities (FDNC) is a Ugandan-based, grassroots, non-governmental and non-partisan organization. FDNC is registered as an NGO with the NGO Board at the Ministry of Internal Affairs) Reg. S.5914/2574 (No. 2401). FDNC contributes towards the achievement of the United Nations Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).
Our History
FDNC was founded by Samuel Watulatsu in 1996; FDNC came out of the Founder heart’s passion to reverse the effects of  Samuel Watulatsuunemployment, poverty with its ugly face, hopeless children and youths with adults at risk. with his charisma Sam opened many peoples eyes to see and unfolded the once folded hands to pick the various opportunities which were put at their disposal like; Local people finding employment, access to local and international connections and exposure and cross-cultural interactions. Various interns got various placements from which cross cultural colors enriched local programs and various organizations throughout the greater Mbale Zone. The vise versa for the interns and volunteers was a huge benefit too.

In addition, FDNC has learnt that the most sustainable way to alleviate poverty in rural communities is though empowering women and the young generation to take ownership of their own financial, sexual, and personal livelihoods. FDNC embarked on addressing challenges and struggles that represent large global issues such as poverty, access to education for all, and women’s empowerment, skill-building for youth and Information and Communication Access towards sustainable community Transformation.
FDNC has previously formed partnerships with government, networks, non-profit organizations, foundations and private sector corporations worldwide and various individual well-wishers among others to promote social justice and development towards poverty reduction and sustainable livelihoods in the greater Mbale region serving approximately 9,000 people; mainly women, youth and children in grassroots communities. FDNC is looking to the future and particularly, to solidifying our programs in the greater Mbale region and laying the plans for consolidating our model.